SIC Tube Data
    Author:ADV    Time:2014-04-23
    Typical Characteristic & Technical Data of ADV-SIC Thermocouple protection tube
    Property Units Typical Value
    Chemical Composition SiC % ≥99 ≥75 90-92
    Free Si % 0 0 8-10
    Si3N4 % ≥23
    Bulk density g/3 2.652.75 2.752.85 3.02
    Max. working temperature 1600(oxide) 1450 1350
    Apparent porosity % ≤15 13 0.1
    Modulus of rupture  at20 Mpa 90100 170180 260
    Modulus of rupture  at1200 Mpa 110 180 280
    Modulus of rupture  at1350 Mpa 120 190
    Thermal conductivity  at1200 w/m.k 36.6 19.6 45
    Thermal expansion   at1200 a×10-6/ 4.69 4.7 4.5
    Thermal shock resistance  at1200 Excellent Excellent Excellent
    Outer Diameter mm 20-50 17-50 20-45
    Inner Diameter mm 10-38 12-25 13-35
    Max length (depending on OD) mm 2500 2500 2500

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